The LifeFlight program is one of the country's oldest aeromedical critical care programs. Incepted in the 1970's, the program has a long tradition of providing immediate and lifesaving care to adult, child, neonatal, trauma, and other specialty patients. The LifeFlight program is also invested in education; the emergency medicine residents at AGH have the opportunity to spend a dedicated month with the program to learn more about the unique challenges of caring for critically ill patients in the prehospital setting. LifeFlight, in partnership with Metro Aviation Corporation, currently operates four EC-145 medium duty helicopters capable of a multi-mission profile. An additional EC-135 twin engine helicopter was added at the Canonsburg base. The crew consists of a pilot and two experienced flight nurses with years of experience in critical care.. Crewmembers undergo a rigorous education program including regular skills reviews and didactic sessions. Medical directors regularly participate in crewmember education. The program recently transitioned to a contemporary model of medical helicopter staffing which incorporated critical care trained flight paramedics.
First and second year residents are welcome to participate in observation flights and ride alongs. Residents can also observe communication center operations and learn how requests for transfer are routed through Allegheny Health Network facilities. Interested senior residents are invited to complete a dedicated elective / critical care transport rotation during which they learn the basics of flight crew training, education, policies, and procedures. At all levels of training, resident physicians are expected to act as extensions of the flight crew and assist with patient care related tasks. Ride along / observer scheduling: Nico Soler, EMT-P, Prehospital Outreach |
LifeFlight Leadership
James Palafoutas, EMT-P, Director, Prehospital Operations
Robert Twaddle, EdD, Vice Present, Prehospital Operations
Candace Myrgo, RN, Chief Flight Nurse
Matt Poremba, DO, Medical Director, LifeFlight and Critical Care Transport
Chadd E. Nesbit, MD, PhD, FACEP, FAEMS, System EMS Medical Director, Allegheny Health Network
Robert Twaddle, EdD, Vice Present, Prehospital Operations
Candace Myrgo, RN, Chief Flight Nurse
Matt Poremba, DO, Medical Director, LifeFlight and Critical Care Transport
Chadd E. Nesbit, MD, PhD, FACEP, FAEMS, System EMS Medical Director, Allegheny Health Network