EMS providers receive training in field triage and mass gathering medicine. They routinely interface with many aspects of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS is a comprehensive, all-hazards approach to incident management that incorporates aspects of prehospital medicine, hospital based care, and emergency management. It is critical for those tasked with emergency response to maintain familiarity with principles of triage.
The AHN Emergency Medicine Residency and AHN EMS Fellowship includes aspect of mass gathering EMS and mass casualty response into the didactic curriculum. In addition to participating in regularly scheduled emergency preparedness drills, EM physicians must know how to interface with EMS providers and emergency management agencies in the event of a disaster.
Second year emergency medicine residents complete basic Incident Command Courses (hosted on the FEMA website) and review select readings in emergency response. Residents of all levels witness the practical application of these principles during planning for the regional Pennsic War. This event, sponsored by the Society for Creative Anachronism, brings over 14,000 people to Northwestern Pennsylvania and involves the re-enactment of open field battles and siege warfare.