The senior emergency medicine resident will continue expanding their role in the oversight of emergency medical services systems. Senior residents will participate in the physician-level triage of interfacility transports and provide real-time advice to flight crews. In addition to the increased administrative responsibilities, they will be afforded the opportunity to spend a month with the LifeFlight aeromedical service. LifeFlight assignment is strongly encouraged but not required. Additional options remain for residents seeking an alternative experience in medical direction. Senior residents will also be tasked with taking report from flight crews and providing them with the necessary authorization for orders from medical command. Dedicated electives are available depending upon availability and the resident's level of interest. In summary, the senior EMS experience consists of:
-LifeFlight month (strongly encouraged but flight NOT required)
-Providing one system level continuing education lecture
-Functioning as "command" EMS physician
-LifeFlight month (strongly encouraged but flight NOT required)
-Providing one system level continuing education lecture
-Functioning as "command" EMS physician
LifeFlight Resident
As part of the critical care transport team, residents will become familiar with the specific roles and responsibilities of a flight team. Residents will receive a LifeFlight specific orientation and learn about key aspects of flight physiology. It is expected that the senior residents on rotation will cultivate a more sophisticated understanding about the indications for aeromedical evacuation and its relative risks and benefits. Residents will also spend time with the LifeFlight dispatchers / controllers to observe the function of a busy EMS communications hub. After receiving their block schedule, residents assigned to LifeFlight should contact the medical director and the prehospital coordinator for additional orientation and scheduling information. Specific rotation goals, objectives, and resources are listed below.
PGY-3 Rotation In Emergency Medical Services: LifeFlight
Senior residents will have the opportunity to accompany LifeFlight crews during scene and interfacility responses. LifeFlight is tasked with the transport of critically ill and injured adult and pediatric patients. Senior emergency medicine residents will render care at to patients on the higher end of the acuity spectrum and will exercise a considerable amount of autonomy and judgement as they make informed decisions about resuscitation and transport. Interested residents can contact medical directors about serving as crew for helicopter missions; the crew credential will require an additional investment of time and energy beyond the dedicated EMS block.
General Objectives
- Accompany LifeFlight crews on scene and interfacility missions
- Complete the LifeFlight command physician lecture
- Provide supplemental support and direction to the network’s One Call Service
- Participate in dispatch and communication shifts at the LifeFlight Flight Control Center
- Assist the Medical Directors with LifeFlight educational days
- Understand medical treatment protocols for the LifeFlight crews
Patient Care Objectives
- Stabilize critically ill and injured patients for aeromedical transport
- Perform life-saving and life-stabilizing interventions in accordance with experience, training, and LifeFlight protocols
Medical Knowledge Objectives
- Understand basic tenets of flight physiology and how they impact the care of the critically ill and injured patients
- Consider constraints, capabilities, and limitations of the aeromedical environment and understand the impact to patients
- Critically appraise the benefits of aeromedical transport and make informed decisions about route of transport and patient destination
Practice Based Learning Objectives
- Identify strengths and limitations in one’s knowledge and expertise
- Seek feedback on your performance
- Set learning and improvement goals
Identify resources to help expand your prehospital knowledge base - Incorporate feedback into daily practice
Professionalism Objectives
- Promptly report to assigned shift and location
- Answer all pages and respond to emergencies in a timely manner
- Respect patient privacy in the prehospital setting
- Demonstrate sensitivity to diversity in patients and colleagues including diversity in gender, age, culture, religion, disabilities, and sexual orientation
- Interact with prehospital providers of all levels of education and expertise
Flight nurses and paramedics will evaluate the resident’s ability to function as part of the aeromedical crew. In addition, the residents will complete a self assessment at the end of the rotation.
Level of Supervision
Residents will be supervised by credentialed flight nurses, pilots, administrators, and crew members. Medical directors will also provide necessary input and supervision for out of hospital care. At all times, the resident physicians will function within the scope of the LifeFlight medical protocols.
LifeFlight Specific Resources
1. LifeFlight Adult Protocols (2016)
2. LifeFlight Pediatric Protocols (2016)
3. LifeFlight Flight Command Powerpoint (Dr. Poremba)
LifeFlight Rotation Contact Information
Nico Soler, EMT-P, Prehospital Outreach
Matt Poremba, DO, Rotation Director and Medical Director, LifeFlight
Nico Soler, EMT-P, Prehospital Outreach
Matt Poremba, DO, Rotation Director and Medical Director, LifeFlight
EMS Elective
The Allegheny Health Network provides medical command for services throughout Western Pennsylvania. Residents will have the opportunity to explore specific areas of subspecialy EMS practice. Rotations in tactical medicine and EMS special operations (hazardous materials, mass gathering EMS) will be offered depending upon availability. Contact the EMS Faculty for more information about potential EMS specific electives.
The Allegheny Health Network provides medical command for services throughout Western Pennsylvania. Residents will have the opportunity to explore specific areas of subspecialy EMS practice. Rotations in tactical medicine and EMS special operations (hazardous materials, mass gathering EMS) will be offered depending upon availability. Contact the EMS Faculty for more information about potential EMS specific electives.